Thursday, May 28, 2009

Once Upon a Time

Memorial Day marked the official start of summer. When your grandmother or great-grandmother was a small girl (probably wearing a gingham dress and pigtails tied with matching ribbon,) the holiday marked the first day that it was acceptable to wear white shoes just like Labor Day meant it was time to pack those shoes away.

That rigid rule disappeared somewhere along the way. "Ladies" stopped wearing white gloves to church every Sunday and doing laundry on Mondays too.

Do you ever weave old-fashioned customs and traditions into your modern romances to give readers a taste of what it might have been like to walk a mile or two in another woman's white shoes?

May the Muse be kind!!

Susanne Rose
Lucki In Love," a Wild Rose Press Champagne Rosette
"The Christmas Promise," a Wild Rose Press Champagne Rosette
Keep the spirit of the holidays going strong and take advantage of this bonus offer: Just send an e-mail to the author: with “The Christmas Promise” in the Subject Line. You’ll have to read the story first so you can identify the secret recipe when you send your e-mail. Santa will send you a copy of the secret recipe. "Forever Love," a Wild Rose Press Champagne Rosette

"Adjusting Entries," coming soon in:

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