Thursday, February 12, 2009


If you're having trouble forcing yourself out of the warm comfy bed these winter mornings and are firmly convinced the Muse is as frozen as your fingers, you might NOT be suffering from writer's block.

For some people, there's a direct correlation between the season and depression (or a lack of productivity.) This condition is not limited to winter either. If you live in an area where the temperature tops 100 for weeks or months at a time, summer might be your season to suffer the "blues."

Take a peek at this e-How article for some tips that might help:

May the Muse be kind!!

Susanne Rose "Lucki In Love," a Wild Rose Press Champagne Rosette "The Christmas Promise," a Wild Rose Press Champagne
RosetteKeep the spirit of the holidays going strong and take advantage of this bonus offer: Just send an e-mail to the author: with “The Christmas Promise” in the Subject Line. You’ll have to read the story first so you can identify the secret recipe when you send your e-mail. Santa will send you a copy of the secret recipe. "Forever Love," a Wild Rose Press Champagne Rosette

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